Exploratorium New Teacher Institute March 24th, 2012
Presented with Maria Kapadia
There are many different ways to review content with students. The ideas shared include quick end of class review games or larger review projects.
Workshop handout available here.
Accompanying workshop powerpoint available here as a pdf or as a powerpoint.
Bree's YouTube Channel: www.YouTube.com/MsBarnett
Maria Kapadia: maria.kapadia@yahoo.com
Feel free to email either one of us for more information on any. You can also ask for pictures or descriptions.
Bree Barnett Dreyfuss has taught Physics at Amador Valley High School since 2005. She earned her B.S. in Physics from Cal State University, Hayward with a minor in Art Studio and a Master in Teacher Leadership from St. Mary's College. Barnett Dreyfuss is a Mentor and Coach to new teachers in the Exploratorium's Teacher Institute. She is the as Vice President of Marketing for NCNAAPT. She strongly believes that the Physics education community is stronger through reflection and collaboration.