Saturday, April 25, 2015

Building Crash Barriers: An Impulse Engineering Project

NCNAAPT, April 24th & 25th, 2015
Created in collaboration with Dan Burns of Los Gatos High School and Jon Brix of Amador Valley High School
This project was inspired by a conversation with Dan Burns and developed by Jon Brix and I. We continue to work on this project to refine it.
Poster (ppt or pdf) and handout (pdf or google doc)

Saturday, March 7, 2015

NGSS Science & Engineering

New Teacher Institute, March 7th, 2015
Presented with Geoff Gould
Powerpoint shared today (pdf or ppt)
Science & Engineering Practices Highlights (pdf or google doc)
More complete text of Science & Engineering Practices Activity (pdf or google doc)
Blank Practices chart (pdf or google doc)
Workshop Notes graciously collected by Mac of our discussions
Just some of the ideas for implementing the Science & Engineering Practices that participants had:
Ideas for Implementation 1
Ideas for Implementation 2